Jul 12, 2022Liked by Terri White

Ugh, you made me cry on the train platform. So beautifully written. I don't like horror but I'm going to watch this.

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thank you. And it's GREAT xx

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Terri White

What a way with words you have mate!. You’ve put so beautifully all these feelings, little pains, big pains little joys and happiness that becoming a mother mean, specially birthing. It’s so complex yet so instinctive, like being asked to land a plane safely without having attended flying school.

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xxx I find it unbelievable sometimes, still, even now.

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As a man I’ll never know exactly how all of that must feel but I can see similarities with feelings I had when my, now 6 month old, son was born. What you have written has helped me better understand what my wife went and is going through. Truly perfect. Thank you Terri x

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Oh you're good. Real good.

Parenting is such a seismic shift, such a plate shifting thing that attempting to explain it to anyone else make most of us into bad poets or worse, European philosophers. We very quickly lose our sense of before anyway, jealous of a life we do not particularly miss, other than the rest, the break, the 5 minutes of unthinking, with no need to plan ahead.

It's entirely worthwhile to want to be better parents than we had, regardless of how good, bad or terrible they were. You however have enough empathy to run a medium sized principality, so you will be just fine, I promise.x

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All of this...'The five minutes of unthinking' is perfect. And thank you! I reckon I will be too x

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