Brilliantly written as always. Enjoyed the episode in some ways mainly because I had read not great previews for it. Re the violence it is deplorable but I find it difficult in general to have a opinion because as a bloke how could I comment on it if I have no experience of it? That’s me off my soapbox any way! 😀 More often than not your pieces do make me think about things which I hadn’t done before and that is absolute kudos to you 👏

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thank you, Marty! x

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You're so right about how child-birth is often shown. How many of us mothers would have survived it without modern medicine (plus the glory of gas and air)?

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and the stuff that still happens as part of a ''good' birth is wild! I remember being warned about the tears etc, being run through the grades and just thinking, BUT OUT BODIES ARE *MEANT* TO DO THIS, YOU SAY? X

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Great to have you back and as always, phenomenal writing. My wife, who has given birth four times (I was a total passenger giving the occasional encouraging platitudes from the sidelines) made the simple yet astute observation “fuck giving birth back then”. She didn’t find it gratuitous at all, more a perfect encapsulation of the commodification of women.

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your wife is bang on x

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"pain we still don't have words for"?


As ever, I have a story about this..x

Brilliant writing, thank you.

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100% agree. We need to start talking more openly about the real 'facts of life'. From the reality of childbirth, to how difficult it can be to conceive, to miscarriage and then peri-menopause and menopause. We need empower young people so they make good choices.

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Perfect. Totally agree.

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Honestly, having gone through two labors and two c-sections I didn’t need a graphic scene like this to understand the reality and the dangers of childbirth. I asked my husband to switch the channel. Maybe this is a necessary portrayal for others, but not for me; although it was a welcome change from the g-rated version of childbirth that is the normal scene. Great commentary!

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Love this. Totally agree and they set it up this way with the 'birth is our battlefield' discussion about their royal wombs. And yes yes I already adore Milly (Upright! 😭😍🤣). She was great in this and again, the juxtaposition of her having decisions she doesn't want made for her whilst actually also being absolutely definitely the best possible person for the 'job', whether she's accepted or not was perfect. I did find the violence with Daemon a bit grim to watch but guess I'm out of practice! Everything else bodes well for this being fantastic. Fab cast. Loved it.

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oh yeah, I definitely found the Daemon scenes grim. Probably turned my stomach more, tbh! And great point about the juxtaposition with Rhaenyra. You could *feel* her anger reaching boiling point in the funeral scene. She played it so powerfully. x

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I'm going to have to rewatch Upright now before series 2 arrives. She's just amazing, I feel everything she portrays very deeply. Incredible acting. I think she's going to be the one who carries this and the rest will find themselves supporting her. She outacted Paddy and Matt who are both pretty wonderful! X

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